While the stars map your journey,
the cards reveal the steps along the way.
Perhaps you're looking for insight into a personal challenge. Maybe you're seeking clarity on a current situation. Or curious about the energies influencing your path. Or perhaps you want to understand the dynamics affecting your relationships.
Whatever your inquiry, Tarot offers a powerful lens to reveal what is at play and provide guidance. From the broad themes of General Tarot to the deeper insights of a Tarot Birth Card Reading, Let the cards illuminate your journey, offering clarity and direction for the present moment.
It all begins with a question.
Tarot Reading
The Tarot is a valuable tool for spiritual growth and healing. Tarot allows us to organically recognise and subsequently release identification with unhelpful patterns such as fear, holding on to the past, anger and hurt. And Tarot can gently guide us home to our true self, our soul self.
A Tarot Reading will usually last around 45 minutes to an hour. I don’t time it. Whatever emerges through the cards deserves time and attention. Through the symbolism of Tarot, I will gently highlight the energies at play in your life and recommend how you might work with them to positively influence your future life.
You can join me in person for a 1:1 reading or we can meet over Zoom - it makes no difference to the quality of the reading whether we share a physical space.
A Tarot reading can be a wonderful element of a weddings, party, friends gathering or even a corporate event. Please contact me for ideas and we will create just the event for you.
The Symbolism contained within the Major Arcana of the Tarot is based on inherent and eternal human characteristics, Carl Jung identified these characteristics as ‘Archetypes’. By identifying which archetypes we most associate with, we can utilise the strengths and transform the weaknesses of our own personal archetypes.
Using Tarot, Numerology and Astrology, I uncover your unique Tarot Birth Card/s and create an in-depth personality profile. Created from your birth date, Tarot Birth Cards form a pattern of personal destiny. They reveal our fundamental archetypal self, signify our potential in this lifetime, and highlight the qualities we can draw upon in order to fulfil our spiritual mission. They describe the strengths, challenges and pivotal themes of an entire lifetime with accuracy and depth.
Once your Tarot Birth Cards are identified and analysed in relation to the patterns playing out in your life, a general tarot card reading is then carried out. Allow an hour and a half for this process, but this is a general guideline as I will spend as long as is necessary.
Your Tarot Birth Card reading is also sent to you in written form via email after our 1:1 in- person or Zoom consultation.